Now that our research blog is coming to an end *tear* it is time to begin work on the main event. After blogging our ideas and insights surrounding all things memes, we need to refine our ideas (we have already begun this process by narrowing our definition of a meme is in relation to our web feature) - and focus on a few prominent ones that will provide great stimulus for reader discussion and comment.
Each member of the group will be designated a feature which they will work on. So in total we should have four feature articles. Then tasks will be split again depending on skill set - we will need a layout designer, graphic designer, timeline/ slideshow creator and video animator as well as someone to work on the 'history of memes' and 'how to build a successful meme' (these could easily be group tasks).
Our next point of call is to decide on the feature each member wants to work on and start collating any research material and contacting any interview subjects whilst beginning to build the foundation of our web feature layout and accompanying graphics so we can get a better feel for the ease of navigation and overall aesthetic.
We have also decided to stick our initial publication choice Vulture, as we all agreed that our intended style of writing, the content and target audience is a perfect fit. We will use mainly American examples to illustrate our points (geared towards New York specific content also) and will also maintain a similar format and voice to articles written in Vulture.
So long as we stick to completing tasks in line with our proposed work plan, we should be heading in the right direction to creating an insightful, thought-provoking, entertaining and informational web feature.